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Rory Sallach Ruma, Missouri Valley, IA

Rory grew up in North Carolina, where she attended North Carolina State University and in 2002 received her Bachelor of Engineering in Materials Science and Engineering.  She continued on to get her PhD in Biomedical Engineering from the Georgia Institute of Technology in 2008.  After spending a few years in biomedical research as a post-doctoral fellow, she began pharmacy school at the University of Nebraska Medical Center.  Currently, she works as a pharmacist intern at The Nebraska Medical Center in Drug Policy and Clinical Decision Support.  This position has allowed her to gain experience in formulary management for a large hospital and expanded her skills in drug information and research.

Rory has been a member of the SIPA board since October 2010.  She credits her involvement on the board with a better understanding of the actual “practice” of pharmacy and the critical issues facing pharmacists through interactions with board members from diverse backgrounds: pharmacy owners, hospital pharmacists, and managers at chain pharmacies.  She enjoys the camaraderie of the board and is impressed by the passion the board members have for advancing and protecting their profession.

In addition to serving on the SIPA board, Rory is active in a number of professional and philanthropic organizations on campus.  She is a board member of the Kappa Epsilon Professional Pharmaceutical Fraternity, serves on the American Student Pharmacists (ASP) ‘Generation Rx’ Committee which educates children on the dangers of prescription drug abuse, serves as the treasurer of the UNMC EMPOWER project which provides health care for women affected by domestic violence, is a member of the Student Leadership Academy, the secretary of the Academy of Managed Care Pharmacists,  and the vice president of Phi Lambda Sigma pharmacy leadership society.  She also is a student member of UNMC’s School of Pharmacy Curriculum Committee and the Student Advisory Council.  In addition, Rory is working on an honors research project in the department of Pharmacy Practice evaluating the use and appropriateness of antibiotics at The Nebraska Medical Center.

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